Of or resembling fibrin. corn protein fiber, pea protein fiber 人造蛋白纤维:酪素纤维、玉米蛋白纤维、大豆蛋白纤维等
Developed bamboo fiber/ corn protein fiber 60/ 40 18 tex has better quality, and it can satisfy the market demands. 所开发的竹纤维/玉米纤维60/4018tex纱质量优良,满足了市场需求。
With CO_2 concentration increased, negative effects on corn seed rough protein, rough fiber and contents of total carbohydrate were observed but the starch of corn was positively effected. CO2浓度增加,对玉米籽粒粗蛋白、粗纤维和总糖含量的影响呈负效应,对淀粉的影响呈正效应。
To develop corn protein fiber bamboo fiber blended yarn, bales mixing method was adopted according to the speciality of corn protein fiber and bamboo fiber to resolve problems of blending, opening, combing transferring in opening and cleaning and carding process. 为了开发玉米纤维与竹纤维混纺纱,针对玉米纤维与竹纤维的性能特点,采用棉包混和的方法,开清棉、梳棉工序解决混和、开松、分梳、转移问题;
This paper introduces the properties and application of new ecological textile fibers, such as natural color cotton fiber, chitin fiber, soybean protein fiber, corn fiber and milk protein fiber. 介绍了天然彩色棉纤维、甲壳素类纤维、大豆蛋白纤维、玉米纤维和牛奶酪蛋白纤维等新型生态纺织纤维的主要性能和应用状况。
Processing Practice of Corn Protein Fiber Bamboo Fiber Blended Yarn 玉米纤维与竹纤维混纺纱工艺实践